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Welcome to Pray For Your Baby Ministries

When I became pregnant with my first child, Micah, I began to pray for my baby that was growing inside of me. As soon as my son arrived, I could see that God had heard my prayers. There is power in praying for your unborn child before he or she is born! God heard and answered my prayers, and I believe that He wants to do the same for you.
Maybe you're still trying to conceive, or you pregnant right now, or maybe your baby is 18 years old. Well, I'm here to encourage you to pray for your children right now!
We live in a very crazy world right and things seem to be getting darker each day. But remember, our Heavenly Father is sitting on His throne and He sees everything going on. God cares about you and your baby. He is waiting for you to use the greatest weapon against the enemy... praying in the name of Jesus! And I believe that with what's happening our children right now, we need to stand up against the enemy and pray more than ever! Jesus is coming back and we need to prepare our children for the challenges that they will face and for His return. We need to pray a covering over them and teach them to love Jesus and the Word of God more than anything in this world!
In 2007, when our son Micah was about 2 years old, God spoke to my heart and told me to share my story of praying through my pregnancy with other moms and PRAY FOR YOUR BABY MINISTRIES was born. This site was created to encourage you to pray for your baby and I added additional resources to encourage and guide you as you spend time alone with the Lord each day, prayerfully seeking His will for you and your baby's life.
So if you are pregnant, please sign up for my Free Weekly Pregnancy Prayers and also for the 14 Day Pregnancy Plan on the You Version Bible Plan app.
If you already have a child, then you will want to pray these powerful prayers at Pray For Your Son or Pray For Your Daughter.  
Also, please check out my Free Resource Page and you maybe interested in my Christian Life and Fitness Coaching Program
So whatever your situation is, whether you are currently pregnant and waiting for your first little one to arrive or you are already a parent of littles, middles, teens or beyond,I encourage you to pray and stand firm on the Word of God and prepare your children for Jesus' return.
Lastly, please send me your prayer request at any time just by clicking here. I read each one and I promise to pray for you and your child!
Prayerfully Awaiting for His Soon Return,

 Jennifer Polimino

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